Cycling Lube - Frequently Asked Questions
1. How is your product designed? We never heard of your products?
We have invested hundreds of hours into R&D these uniquely different grease with DUST-Shield and AQUA-Shield technologies which we owned and trademarked over 30 countries. A lot of Ironman and Triathlons loves our products. Our products are designed for for the HIGHEST performance in a VERY competitive cycling environments as shown below

2. What are the minimum DEUTHLON's product to bring out the maximum racing performance as i am on Ironman or world class cycling competitions?
Just 3 products you need for maximum performance, RB Lube for your bike chain, and AquaSpeed with Turbo Lube for BB, Free hub wheels (front and back). For racing, have a few bottles of Turbo Lube with you. Apply during the day of the race will ensure your bike to continue to churn out maximum performance.
3. What if it is for purely an Off Road mountain bikers class of competition. What DEUTHLON products then?
Same answer as previous question #2, with replacement of RB Lube with XC Lube, and AquaSpeed with AquaPro,
4. How to apply both Aqua grease and Turbo Lube together at the same area?
After applied DEUTHLON's Aqua grease, do a few rounds of riding or approximate 10 km to 20 km to ensure the grease is distributed evenly. Then, on the day of racing, you can apply Turbo lube with a few drops outside the same location of the bearings of BB, Freehub wheels (front & back). There is no need to dismantle the bicycle for Turbo lube application. Purely DIY, a 2 minute job.
5. Is this suitable for 'ceramic' bearings?
YES, 100%. If you have ceramic bearings, use our AquaSPEED grease. It is specifically designed to' peak to its maximum performance'. Once you tried, you won't want to use any other products.
6. In the bike diagram, how do you consider it as 'old bearings'?
Old bearings here refers to bearings which are loose or beaten where it has squeaking or knocking sound. The sound is the result due to worn out or loose bearing over the shaft.
7. What is the use of applying the recommended grease over the 'old bearings'?
Our specially designed grease will be able to conceal and protect the loose or worn out area of the bearing. It will significantly reduce or even eliminates all the sound. You can feel the significant improvement quite immediately. But, we do recommend to have the bearing changed for maximum performance and comfort.
8. Do i have to remove all the existing grease before applying DEUTHLON lubricants?
YES, you need to remove all the existing grease with a suitable degreaser before applying DEUTHLON lubricants.
9. Can i use WD40 to remove the existing greases and oil?
YES, you can BUT not preferable. The reason because WD40 has very strong solvent which it dissolves metal parts. Not so suitable for a longer term. However, you can minimized it by wiping it VERY dry clean after application.
10. Is there anything which i could DIY rather than dismantling the whole bike?
Yes, for DIY. You can apply RB Lube for bike chain, and Turbo lube for BB & Free hub wheel (front and back). Just 2 products will gives a significant performance improvements too.
11. How and where exactly do i apply DEUTHLON products on my bike?
For road bike, here is the YouTube video
For off road bike, here is the YouTube video
12. I have never tried your products before, what do you recommend me to purchase as newbie?
I would recommend you to purchase the Starter Kit because it has everything you need for the trial at a smaller pack - either the Tarmac or Off Road starter pack. After you tested the whole range and understands them, you can then purchase the individual larger size on your next order.
13. The Starter Kit pack has all the lubricants but it is in a smaller quantity, how many times would it last me?
It actually varies according to how you apply. It would averagely last at 8 to 10 times of application.
14. It seems a bit expensive?
Well, let's assume you apply once every 2 months, it would last you around 2 years. OR...if you divide into 10 times, the cost would be around $3 per application, versus a coffee you drink every day is already $3 per cup.
If you compare to the bicycle parts which costs thousands of dollars, this gives a a most significant amount of performance for a most little amount of cost. (As per quoted by one of our extreme German road cyclist (Blog:
I would consider it very reasonable for the enjoyment and performance of the sport. Please note that our products are designed for world beaters.
15. Why is you product more expensive than any competitor's product in the market?
Each of our products are designed for a very specific application to each different bike areas to bring out the MAXIMUM performance of the sports you are on. Our raw materials are imported from different countries from Europe ensuring of the highest quality standard materials being used. Thereafter, we did the R&D ourselves ensuring the right precise composition of formula are created, and tested with hundreds of hours with professional cyclist in different scenarios and location ensuring the lubricant does gives the MAXIMUM performance in the most extreme demanding competitive environment. With this, we are confident that our product performance is MUCH BEYOND than any other products in the market.
Anyway, one product item can be used for multiple applications which may last for 1 year or more. If you really think about it, it is not expensive.
16. What is DUST-Shield and AQUA-Shield?
Please click here for more information of our technologies of which we have trademarks across the globe.
17. What is the shelf life of the products?
The minimum shelf life is 5 years. Generally, it should last 10 years without any problem as we carefully select the high quality non-toxic, and very stable raw materials from Europe.
18. What are the differences between all the 3 greases - AquaSPEED, AquaPRO and AquaXTREME? When do i use it?

Above table has all the information for technical comparison and its application.
Still confused? EASY, .........just remember below
For Optimum HIGH performance for Road bikes, apply AquaSPEED grease.
For Optimum HIGH performance for Off-Road bikes, apply AquaPRO grease.
AquaXTREME grease can be applied to areas of the bike which prevent corrosion and rust such as joints and headsets as explained in the table.
19. Which combination would gives me the OPTIMUM HIGH PERFORMANCE for my bike?
For Optimum HIGH performance for Road bikes, apply AquaSPEED grease. Then, combine with RB Lube and Turbo Lube for race competition.
For Optimum HIGH performance for Off-Road bikes, apply AquaPRO grease. Then combine with XC Lube for race competition.