Our International Partners
DEUTHLON started international business around September 2020. We have then expanding quickly in Asia, and expected to further expand to USA, Middle East and Europe in near future.
Segment: Fishing
DAVIRA FISHING is a place for your favorite hobby, whether it is spinning of jigging. Fishing reel maintenance, repair and service is also one of their key skill.
Email : sales@davirafishing.com
Website : https://davirafishing.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davirafishing

Segment: Fishing
SZ Tackle Bwn Shop is establish to Brunei which sells various fishing related products. He now sells DEUTHLON as part of his products.
Link FB https://www.facebook.com/sz.tacklebn
Whatsapp https://chat.whatsapp.com/Lj3sKxhLhHzCkWTNWZ5Xn4

Segment: Fishing
Mike's Reel Repair operates from a 2,300 square foot warehouse. They specialises in fishing related products and reel servicing. They are always ready to assist, whether your reel needs repair or you're searching for parts. They now sells DEUTHLON as part of his products after an impressive trial on our products.
208 - 45910 Rowat Ave. Chilliwack, BC, V2P0L2, Canada
Tel: 604-855-1119
Website: https://www.mikesreelrepair.com
Link FB https://www.facebook.com/MikesReelRepair/
Segment: Fishing
REELAIX is an online shop run by enthusiastic tackle nerds from Berlin.
We want to make tuning and customization of fishing equipment accessible to anyone. The founder is an enthusiastic angler and prefers to fish in Berlin on the Spree, the Dahme and the surrounding area.
Website : https://angelrollentuning.de/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Angelrollentuning.de
Macau and Hong Kong
Segment: Fishing
Pirate Anglers' to be a part of the distribution family for Macau and Hong Kong. They are specialized in distributing other major fishing brands.
Email : pirate.anglers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PIRATE.ANGLERS/

Segment: Fishing
A veteran fishing tackle distributor in Malaysia with more than 50 years in the distributor of international brands such as Fuji, Ryobi, Eagle Wave hook, Eagle Claw etc. They distributed DEUTHLON products to more than 200 angler shops in Malaysia. DEUTHLON fishing products is now available across 90% of all anglers shop nationwide.

Segment: Cycling and Fishing (online specialist)
LLP SPORTS, a specialized in selling online over Malaysia and Indonesia distributing the ULTIMATE high performance sports lube especially for people who enjoy the hobby of cycling (off-road or tarmac road) & fishing.
Malaysia - Shopee: https://shopee.com.my/deuthlondealer
Indonesia - Blibli : https://www.blibli.com/merchant/llp-sports-deuthlon/LLT-70000

Segment: Fishing
SevenShots Fishing - Experience the thrill of catching bigger fish, more often!
Link FB https://www.facebook.com/Sevenshots-Fishing-105130204669070
Segment: Fishing
Crazy Angler Tackle Myanmar - Specialized Fishing Tackle and Deepsea Fishing Charter
Link FB https://www.facebook.com/crazyanglermm

Segment: Fishing
Kenny's Tackle Shop is establish to Philipines which imports and sells various fishing related products. He now sells DEUTHLON as part of his products. He owns an angler shop and has an online store
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kennys-Tackle-Shop-1583610358554605/

Segment: Fishing
Tackle+Marine Shop is establish to Philipines which sells various fishing related products. He now sells DEUTHLON as part of his products. He owns an angler shop and has an active fb online store as well
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tackleplusmarine

Segment: Cycling
Lumninari is establish distributor of multiple brands for cycling. Now they include DEUTHLON as their new product range. They are the distributor for TERN folding bike. They specializes in bringing brands into channels that cater to a wide range of customers and build your brand equity from the ground up.
Website : https://mybikeshopoutlets.simplybook.me/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyBikeShop/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mybikeshopsg/
Segment: Fishing
REDTACKLE is establish to bring in more interesting and unique fishing tackles for crazy anglers.
Website : https://redtackle.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redtackle/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeUEBWFA8WHoTW7KOSSJ-Kg

Segment: Cycling
BYX, Singapore - the bicycle showroom and service center in Singapore. Its River Valley shop in the heart of urban Singapore.
Website : https://www.byx.com.sg/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Byx.singapore/

Segment: Fishing
Predators-Tackle - Selling the best fishing gears in Switzerland!
Website: https://www.predators-tackle.ch/
Link FB https://www.facebook.com/PredatorsTackle/
Segment: Fishing
TouchDown Tackle Shop is establish to Thailand which imports and sells various fishing related products. He now sells DEUTHLON as part of his products. He owns an angler shop, networks of reel maintenance experts and has an online store as well.
Contact: Line ID : @tdtackle2019
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/touchdowntackle/
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Segment: Fishing
Shallow Water Marine is a specializing in Fishing related which imports and sells various fishing related products. He now sells and distributes DEUTHLON as part of his products. His store is located in Al Mushrif Co-operative Society Shopping Mall.
Address: Al Khaleej Al Arabi St - Al Mushrif - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 50 373 1727
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shallowwater.marine/
United States of America (USA)

Segment: Fishing
Website: https://baitfinesseempire.com/

Segment: Fishing
MILF is established distributor for Vietnam on all DEUTHLON related fishing segment
Contact: quandominh@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milffishing/